What are the check-in and check-out times?

We have selected a specific check-in and check-out times for all the guests that come to Kam Kam dunes. Hence, every group that comes to Kam Kam dunes must follow the timings carefully until and unless you are given extra time. Please note that the payment will be done with respect to those times only. And your plan should be done remembering those time frames only. Guests can check-in between 4 and 9 pm. Check-out time is around 10 o’clock. But we are very flexible if we have availability! Please inform us in advance if you require a late check-out or any other preferences since fixing the timings is very important for us to allot bookings. Hence, this rule.

Note that travelers might be teamed up with other groups during transfer. Also, you may have to wait to be transferred at a specific time. Check-in and check-out times may be modified for this reason.

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